The components of my LEMPP Webserver

A webserver is just another computer with the proper software installed and configured. The most basic part of the computer is the operating system. For webservers, Linux (L) is an obvious choice and for my server I selected ubuntu 18.04 LTS. As software to serve the website, the webengine, I selected Nginx, pronoumced as Engine X (E). I prefer this webengine over the reportedly more complicated Apache software. As databasesytem MySql, MariaDB and Postgress are obvious choices. I selected MySql (M), mostly because this is the system I have experience with. Next, a modern webserver needs software that allows server-side execution of programming languages such as php (P) or python (P). I installed PHP as the defacto standard at the moment and I added python and Django as a more robust webdevelopment framework. I will serve the Django content with Gunicorn (together with Nginx). To round up, my webservers needs to be be secured with a firewall and encryption, i.e. https. For the firewall I use ufw and for encryption certbot.